
Category Archives: Strategy/Consulting

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College Student

4 Ways to Explore Business Careers in College

by Kaitlyn Lannan

Kaitlyn shares four ways she has explored business career options while a student in college and discovered new career opportunities in the process.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Engaging Allies: Resources Focused on Workplace Equality

What advice and models worth emulating do top companies have to offer to broaden the conversation about workplace equality? We compiled this list of resources to capture some emerging thought leadership.

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Forté Fellows

Zoe Hillenmeyer Honored for Advancing Women in Business

Talking to Zoe Hillenmeyer, winner of this year’s Edie Hunt Award (named for Forté’s Board Chair Emeritus), it’s easy to see why she was able to successfully reinvigorate and rebrand what is now called the Olin Women in Business (OWIB) organization during her tenure as an MBA student.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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Global Sabbaticals Give Professionals New Lease on Careers

Now, more than ever, appreciation for the world’s diversity and the ability to be effective in diverse environments and to learn from various cultural perspectives is what defines a good manager.

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Women on Boards

Building a Better Boardroom: The 20/20 Initiative

This year, Forté collaborated with its business school and corporate partners to advance a growing movement focused on women reaching at least 20% representation on corporate boards by the year 2020.

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