
Category Archives: Impact Stories

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College Success

Why I Joined Forté and Why You Should Too

by Isabella Nally

Graduating from college and stepping into the professional world is a monumental transition. As I prepare to start my career in strategy consulting as an Associate at L.E.K. Consulting, I can’t help but reflect on the pivotal role that Forté has…

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Impact Stories

Donation to Forté Features Diversity in Everyday Items

Taylor Swift writes handwritten notes to her 500 employees, acknowledging their contributions to her success. While we all can’t be Taylor Swift, we all can take the time to show appreciation to recruiters, mentors, and other meaningful people in our lives…

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Impact Stories

Shaping Inclusive Workplaces: How In Good Company Is Making a Difference

by Geraldo Fournier

Forté’s mission to empower women in their professional lives aligns perfectly with the values of In Good Company, a startup that champions inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. Co-founded by Sarah Naumann and Amanda Shojaee, the company seeks to change societal perceptions of individuals with disabilities by educating employers and creating a more holistic approach to employment.

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Impact Stories

In Forté Rise, Alisha Park Discovered What Leadership Looks Like For Her

by Lisa Beebe

Alisha Park came to the Forté Rise Leadership Program looking for role clarity. She left with much more than that.

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College Success

MBALaunch for Undergraduates Helped Sonia Seth Merge Medicine and Business

by Meredith Hunt

Sonia Seth volunteered during high school at hospitals and nursing homes, and she studied biology and chemistry as an undergraduate, so her decision to go into healthcare is unsurprising. What is unusual is Sonia’s choice to combine her passion for medicine with business and begin a self-designed, five-year MBA/M.D. graduate program in August. Forté’s MBALaunch for Undergraduates played a small part in her inspiring and personal journey.

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Career Advancement

Meet Blessing Njoku: Forté Corporate Partner, PwC’s Business Woman of Tomorrow

Meet Blessing Njoku, the rising star at PwC who is making waves in the world of management consulting through her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication.

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