
Category Archives: Healthcare

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Business Women of Tomorrow

LinkedIn Live: Wellness Within – Mental Health Awareness Month

Tiffany: Hi everyone my name is Tiffany Schulze, I’m the Marketing Manager of Undergraduate Programs here at Forté. We’re so excited to have you join us today and I’d love to turn over this LinkedIn live session to our amazing host…

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Business Women of Tomorrow

Championing Patients and Curiosity: Navigating a Mission-Oriented Healthcare Career with Haley Whitman at DaVita

In the dynamic world of corporate healthcare, where innovation and a commitment to a mission are paramount, Haley Whitman has found her niche. A graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder with a degree in Information Analytics and Operations Management, Haley’s…

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College Success

MBALaunch for Undergraduates Helped Sonia Seth Merge Medicine and Business

by Meredith Hunt

Sonia Seth volunteered during high school at hospitals and nursing homes, and she studied biology and chemistry as an undergraduate, so her decision to go into healthcare is unsurprising. What is unusual is Sonia’s choice to combine her passion for medicine with business and begin a self-designed, five-year MBA/M.D. graduate program in August. Forté’s MBALaunch for Undergraduates played a small part in her inspiring and personal journey.

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Career Advancement

Forté Role Model, Courtney Maliszewski, Turned Her Passion for Trying New Things Into a Career at DaVita

Forté’s corporate partner, DaVita, works with us to continue to reach our goal of having more women leading in the corporate space, starting with Forté’s undergraduate students. Serving 1.7+ million patients, DaVita is on a quest to build the greatest health…

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Holly Weiss, CFO of McKesson’s Prescription Technology Solutions, Wants More Women in Finance

Growing up on a small farm in northern California, Holly Weiss yearned for something different for her future, and she has achieved her dreams of a successful business career. Recently named CFO of an operating segment of McKesson Corporation, Holly proves…

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MBA Student

Rx for Success in Healthcare

by Meredith Hunt

If you’re looking for a business career that tackles some of society’s most complex challenges, the healthcare industry might be the cure. During Forté’s 2022 MBA Women’s Leadership Conference in June, the following five panelists at the Healthcare/Biotechnology/Pharma session revealed why they are passionate about the industry, where they see opportunities for growth, and how to get ahead.

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