
Category Archives: College Student

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Career Advancement

Show Your Worth: 6 Ways to Weave Technical Skills into Your Story

by Angela Guido

You know your worth is inestimable, right? You’re infinite and infinitely worthy just because you exist. But when you’re out there networking, job searching, and interviewing, it’s easy to forget that not everyone knows your heart, soul, and value-adds. It’s also…

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Business Women of Tomorrow

LinkedIn Live: Wellness Within – Mental Health Awareness Month

Tiffany: Hi everyone my name is Tiffany Schulze, I’m the Marketing Manager of Undergraduate Programs here at Forté. We’re so excited to have you join us today and I’d love to turn over this LinkedIn live session to our amazing host…

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College Success

Why I Joined Forté and Why You Should Too

by Isabella Nally

Graduating from college and stepping into the professional world is a monumental transition. As I prepare to start my career in strategy consulting as an Associate at L.E.K. Consulting, I can’t help but reflect on the pivotal role that Forté has…

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Work/Life Effectiveness

Three Strategies to Retain High-Performing Employees

by Lauren D’Innocenzo, Ph.D., Drexel’s LeBow College of Business

Have you ever thought about leaving your job? If so, you’re not alone. According to recent reports, about 40% of U.S. workers have considered quitting their jobs in the next 3-6 months[1]. The hard truth is that many employees feel undervalued…

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Business Women of Tomorrow

Excel and How To Make the Most of It

by Megan McMahon, Associate Director, Technology

  Learn from Forté’s Associate Director of Technology, Megan McMahon, as she demonstrates the power of Excel and how you can use it to advance in your classes and career. Everything from vlookups, pivot tables, and how Excel can be used…

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Business Women of Tomorrow

Diversifying Career Paths: Neha Kotha’s Experience with the Career Ready Certificate

After taking the Career Ready Certificate program as a Forté undergraduate campus ambassador, Neha Kotha, a student at the University of Pittsburgh, saw the benefits of the program firsthand. From enhancing her resume to the thrill of exploring new career opportunities,…

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