
Category Archives: Non-profit/Government

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MBAs on the Move

Pastry Chef Turned Non-Profit Executive Now Influences Hospitality Sector

by Meredith Hunt

Adrienne has built a career on solving challenges in the hospitality industry—from improving food quality to taking care of people’s well-being.

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Improving the Lives of Economically Disadvantaged Women Around the World

by Meredith Hunt

Meet Jacqueline Novogratz – a former Wall Streeter who moved to Africa and started an impact investing fund.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Profiles In Passion: Three Women Leaders Who Are Changing The World

by Meredith Hunt

Meet Dorri McWhorter, Trish Karlin and Rachel Greenberger and learn how they are making the world a better place using their MBAs.

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College Student

3 Leadership Principles For Extraordinary Outcomes

by Meredith Hunt

Hear a real-life story about someone who achieved the seemingly impossible by employing three essential leadership principles.

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Entrepreneurs On A Mission

by Meredith Hunt

See how two friends with MBAs took their bold vision and launched a magazine that focuses solely on sustainable businesses.

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Early Career

A New American’s Journey to the MBA

by Evgeniya Kim

“We struggled a lot, but what kept us going is that same promise of an American dream that had brought generations of immigrants before us.”

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