
Category Archives: Career Switching

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Career Advancement

Show Your Worth: 6 Ways to Weave Technical Skills into Your Story

by Angela Guido

You know your worth is inestimable, right? You’re infinite and infinitely worthy just because you exist. But when you’re out there networking, job searching, and interviewing, it’s easy to forget that not everyone knows your heart, soul, and value-adds. It’s also…

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Entrepreneurial Spirit: 5 Keys to Success in the Spirits Industry

by Lisa Beebe

Dee Robinson, Founder and CEO, GT Spirits Company Good Trouble Bourbon, and Rosalinda Mendoza, CEO and Co-Founder, Mocel Mezcal, share how they built their brands.

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Job Search

Recovering from a Layoff? Follow This Expert Advice

by Lisa Beebe

A layoff is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in your professional career. Here’s how to process your feelings, find support, and move forward.

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Career Switching

Forté Role Model, Lauryn Lewis, Used Her Masters Degree to Build Her Own Career Path

Forté is here to help undergraduate women explore deferred MBA, specialty masters, and early career graduate programs. By attending a Forté Forum, Lauryn Lewis learned about her options and applied for the Masters in Management program at Georgetown University, McDonough School…

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Career Switching

So, You Want to Work at a Top Consulting Firm: Three Paths to Get You There

by Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Georgia Tech MBA students Paroma Chakravarty, Georgia Pearce, and Francesca Sally, all saw themselves at different places post-graduation. For one, there was hope for a supply chain placement. Another woman’s sights were set on consulting. And for another, something more people-facing…

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Early Career

Facing a Quarter-Century Crisis? Strategize Your Way to a Better Career.

by Lisa Beebe

If you faced a career setback, you’re feeling burned out at work, or you’re starting to wonder if you chose the wrong career, don’t panic. Feeling anxious about your life choices is totally normal. In fact, this is such a common experience for people in their mid-twenties to early thirties that there’s a name for it — the quarter-century crisis.

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