
Category Archives: Non-profit/Government

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Forté Fellows

Forté Fellow of the Month: Nikki Bruce

“There are so many different perspectives in an MBA classroom and so many opportunities to stretch and grow. It’s good to have a plan coming into the program, but make sure to expect the unexpected.”

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Job Search

Finding a Summer Internship After Freshman Year

by Kaitlyn Lannan

Get an internship after freshman year and gain an edge on your peers in the future.

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Forté Fellows

Forté Fellow of the Month: Emily Liner

Business leaders are the people who ultimately decide how workplaces function, in any industry. So if you are passionate about women’s advancement and you want to help more women reach leadership roles, and if you want more flexibility in work-life balance, you need to become the person who has the power to promote employees and define the core values of the company.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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Job Search

Non-Profits Borrow from Business to Enhance ROI

Successful organizations have three ingredients that drive results—a strong strategy, access to capital, and leadership talent.

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College Student

Give Like You Mean It – Strategy, Not a Big Heart, Will Bring About the Change You Want

Joanna Krotz wants women to stop throwing like girls—giving away money and time without being strategic and goal-oriented.

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