
Category Archives: Strategy/Consulting

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Be Willing to Take the Hits

by Natalie Neilson

“I’m currently applying to b-school and honestly, a year ago, I never thought I would be applying at this point in my career, and especially not to the schools I’m applying to. What happened in this year that changed my trajectory? Well, Forté happened.”

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Forté Events

Forté Forums: A MBALauncher’s Reflection

by Madeline Keulen

Looking at attending a Forté Forum? Read about a current MBALauncher’s experience attending the Los Angeles Forum last summer.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Milena Beshkova – UMT Consulting: Never Overlook the Human Elements of Business or Success

by Mandy Dorn

As the latest and the youngest woman leader on the UMT Consulting management team, Milena Beshkova recognized a unique opportunity to help her female peers. She pitched—and now leads—UMT’s Gender Balance and Mentoring and Coaching Initiatives, and women’s promotion rates have already improved dramatically in under a year.

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MBA - Application Process

MBA Admissions Clinic: The Future Consultant

by Fortuna Admissions

Becky has solid academic credentials and is doing well in her career, but does she stand out from the crowd enough to win over Kellogg?

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Beth Bovis – A.T. Kearney: Breaking the Glass Ceiling (While Working Part-Time)

As a consultant, Beth Bovis can live anywhere she wants and has carefully crafted her work/life balance. You’re surprised to see “consultant” and “work/life balance” in the same sentence? Consulting is commonly considered a way to rack up the frequent flyer miles and see the world, at some cost to domestic stability. But Beth is eager to counter that stereotype.

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Forté Webinars for College Women

Forté offers webinars exclusively for college students as you prepare for your career and beyond. Regardless of your major, we help you explore your options and build a solid business foundation that will be the base of your job success.

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