
Category Archives: Strategy/Consulting

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Global MBA Women in Business: MBA Alumnae Panel in Asia Pacific/India

MBA Women are forging their careers working in major cities around the world.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Jenny Davis-Peccoud – Bain & Company: Blazing a Trail That Fulfills Her Lifelong Charitable Commitment

Jenny has a unique role at Bain, one she designed herself.

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Forté Events

Transitioning from an Expert to a Leader Webinar

One of the most challenging career moves is the leap from a specialist or expert to a leader.

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Job Search

Summer Internship – Part 1: The Recruiting Process

Forté company representatives discuss the summer internship recruiting process.

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Job Search

Careers in Business 101

An in-depth guide on the major functions of a business enterprise.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Sharon L. Allen – Deloitte Consulting: First Woman Chairman of a Big Four Accounting Firm

Part of Allen’s appeal is that — in a world filled with lingo-laden, business motivational gurus — her messages are backed with statistical collateral.

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