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Forté News

Forté Receives Platinum Seal of Transparency From GuideStar

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve received GuideStar’s highest recognition for transparency – the Platinum Seal. GuideStar is the world’s largest source of nonprofit information, and this seal signifies our commitment to openness and accountability. To earn the Platinum Seal, we’ve…

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MBA Student

Where is She Now? Five Years After Her MBA, Rachel Wiseley Finds Her Place at the Intersection of Business and Analytics

Rachel Wiseley is a Triple Jacket from Georgia Tech, a title she holds so assuredly that at times she forgets the doubts and confusion that trailed close behind in the wake of her first degree—a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics….

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Impact Stories

Shaping Inclusive Workplaces: How In Good Company Is Making a Difference

by Geraldo Fournier

Forté’s mission to empower women in their professional lives aligns perfectly with the values of In Good Company, a startup that champions inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. Co-founded by Sarah Naumann and Amanda Shojaee, the company seeks to change societal perceptions of individuals with disabilities by educating employers and creating a more holistic approach to employment.

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Forté Events

Maximizing Your Experience at the Women of Color Leadership Symposium: A Preparation Guide

It’s almost time for the Forté Women of Color Leadership Symposium! We are thrilled to have you join us for this exciting event. As an organization dedicated to empowering and supporting women in their professional journeys, we are confident that this…

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Forté Events

Tips for Navigating a Virtual Job Fair or Forum

by Angela Guido

Live conferences, seminars, and networking events (even virtual ones!) represent a unique chance to develop your networking skills, build your network, meet new friends, and be inspired.

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Women on Boards

Ask Seven Questions Before Joining a Board

Joining a corporate or nonprofit board of directors is an exciting opportunity — and with the Women on Boards series, Forté is demystifying the board search process.

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