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Women in Leadership Profiles

Love What You’re Doing, Especially Your Career

If you’re doing a job you don’t like, you will find it difficult to stay committed and engaged for very long.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Lorella Zanardo – Unilever: A Guiding Passion

Lorella Zanardo grew up in Italy and studied English and German literature abroad. She wanted to travel the world, and work as an actress. But circumstances suggested a different direction.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Maria Pinelli – Ernst & Young: Don’t Sell the Farm in the Winter

Maria Pinelli always waits until the spring to make big decisions. And it’s a good thing.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Ginni Rometty – IBM: Look Outside the Bubble to Ignite Innovation and Spark Profits

Early in her career, Ginni Rometty learned that honing just her technical skills wasn’t enough to move forward.

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College Student

Resources for Businesswomen Around the Globe

Resources for businesswomen around the globe, as well as those in the U.S. looking to work abroad.

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College Student

MBA Students Flock to Nontraditional Internships

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in non-profit management, check out this sample of intriguing internships available through Forté member schools’ career centers this semester.

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