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Early Career

Asking for Letters of Recommendations in the Fall

Those applying Round 1 or 2 are likely starting to think about asking for recommendations from your current employer.

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Early Career

Choosing Between Part-Time, Executive, or Full-Time MBA Programs

You’ve made the choice to pursue an MBA, congratulations! Before you start tackling those applications, your next big decision is to choose the type of program that is right for you.

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MBA Student

For Women in Business, a Culture Change is Underway

| business, leadership, MBA

Jaclyn Luft and Lauren Merkel have at least two things in common: they’re both studying for their MBA at McGill University and they both come to the program from non-traditional undergraduate degrees. Read Full Article »

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Early Career

Two Strategies to Jump-Start Your Essay Writing Process

Leverage interview logic and company research to write better admissions essays and prepare for your internship search at the same time.

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College Student

Marketing Career Paths in the Luxury, Retail, Fashion and Beauty Industries

by Daria Burke

Over the past decade, the MBA has become a rapidly developing area for talent recruitment in the luxury/retail/fashion/beauty industries. Increasingly competitive landscapes and omni-channel consumer behavior has forced companies ranging from Tiffany to Target to increase investment in product marketing, e-commerce, digital marketing, social media and CRM. As such, the range of marketing opportunities in the luxury and retail space varies as greatly as each brand’s unique selling proposition.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Resources for Businesswomen with a Multicultural Perspective

Resources for businesswomen with a multicultural perspective.

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