
Category Archives: Articles

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Impact Stories

In Forté Rise, Alisha Park Discovered What Leadership Looks Like For Her

by Lisa Beebe

Alisha Park came to the Forté Rise Leadership Program looking for role clarity. She left with much more than that.

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College Success

MBALaunch for Undergraduates Helped Sonia Seth Merge Medicine and Business

by Meredith Hunt

Sonia Seth volunteered during high school at hospitals and nursing homes, and she studied biology and chemistry as an undergraduate, so her decision to go into healthcare is unsurprising. What is unusual is Sonia’s choice to combine her passion for medicine with business and begin a self-designed, five-year MBA/M.D. graduate program in August. Forté’s MBALaunch for Undergraduates played a small part in her inspiring and personal journey.

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Early Career

Informational Interviews for Career Exploration and Job Search: Tips for Success and Great Questions to Ask

by Jennifer Burns, Director of Career Development, EMBA Programs and Alumni

Whether you are targeting a specific role or exploring new industries, research can only get you so far. You may go down the rabbit hole of Google searches and read countless LinkedIn job descriptions – which can be incredibly helpful parts…

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College Success

Internship Insider: A Look into the Day-to-Day of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Intern, Pallavi Goculdas

As an undergraduate seeking internship opportunities, it can be valuable to hear from those who have already navigated the process successfully. In this post, we hear from Case Western Reserve University student and JPMorgan Chase & Co. intern, Pallavi Goculdas, who…

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Meet the 2023-2024 Undergraduate Ambassadors

Checking in with the Forté  Campus Ambassadors  Forté provides undergraduate women with the tools they need to prepare for fulfilling, significant careers from the Forté Career Ready Certificate, to college clubs and leadership opportunities on campus.  We’re excited to have amazingly…

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MBA Student

2023 Edie Hunt Award Winner: Sukari Brown

Sukari Brown, the 2023 Edie Hunt Inspiration Award winner, credits the women in her life for inspiring her commitment to advancing women in business.

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