
Tag Archives: business

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College Student

Life After the MBA: Executive Education Takes Your Career to the Next Level

| MBA, business, leadership

From open enrollment to closed, alumni-only programs to short executive sessions and longer certificate programs, now there are more, and more varied, continuing education alternatives for you to choose from.

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Early Career

Building Career Capital — From the First Deposit to the Big Pay-Off

| business, leadership, MBA

Experts agree that it’s never too early to begin investing in your personal professional development, or building career capital.

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College Student

Goldman Sachs Takes Corporate Philanthropy Global – Investments in Women Garner Exponential Returns

| MBA, business, leadership

In less than four years, there will be 10,000 more women in the world with a business education. And according to Goldman, Sachs & Co., the benefits of that education will accrue to far more people than those directly receiving it.

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Early Career

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others

| MBA, business, leadership

Prolific best-selling author Daniel Pink’s latest book, To Sell is Human, offers a fresh look at the art and science of sales.

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Job Search

U.S. Women of Color in Business

| MBA, business, leadership

An exciting career in business can be a part of your future. But what is the business world like for a U.S. woman of color? How do I launch my career in business?

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MBA Student

Why Women Go To Europe For An MBA

| MBA, business, leadership

If you’re a woman from North America who is studying for an MBA in Europe, you might very well be considered one of three types, according to a new study commissioned by the London Business School.

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