MBA Student

Why Women Go To Europe For An MBA

If you’re a woman from North America who is studying for an MBA in Europe, you might very well be considered one of three types, according to a new study commissioned by the London Business School.

You might have a “dual background,” meaning you were born outside of North America from foreign parents.

Or you could very well be a “traveler,” a citizen of the world who has a sustained interest in foreign cultures.

Or you might be a so-called “candid American” who has lived her entire life in North America but now wants to break out.

The project, led by the Forté Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit that works to advance women in business, found that most North American women who venture to Europe for their MBAs do so because of the international network. The study interviewed a selection of North American women enrolled at five top European MBA programs to gather qualitative insight and form a hypothesis as to what their profiles were. This was followed by an online survey of North American women enrolled at those five schools to verify and refine the hypothesis through the collection of quantitative data.

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