
Category Archives: Women in Leadership Profiles

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Courtney Hendrickson Drives Sustainable Growth Through Innovation at Ocean Spray

by Meredith Hunt

She travels the world, introducing food & beverage companies to new ways to include cranberry in their products – and serves the farmers who grow them.

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Stephanie Lampkin’s Start-up Alleviates Hiring Bias

by Meredith Hunt

Leading her second start-up, her mission as Founder & CEO of Blendoor is to eliminate unconscious hiring bias in order to create more diverse and inclusive companies.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Kelly McPhilliamy Finds Inspiration Strategically Advising Health and Beauty Clients

by Meredith Hunt

“Health and beauty is fascinating because it is always changing and has a strong entrepreneurial spirit.”

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Sumona De Graaf Takes Human-Centered Approach at Republic Services

by Meredith Hunt

“Having a sense of purpose helps you be decisive in the moments that matter.”

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Carole Brown Forged Success as a Black Woman in Finance

by Meredith Hunt

She leads the Asset Management Group at PNC, but she still makes time to support the arts in her adopted hometown of Chicago.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

At ExxonMobil In Hungary, Jennifer Hibbert Adds Expat To Her Resume

Following her mother’s advice has led Jennifer to many unexpected rewards.

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