
Category Archives: Women in Leadership Profiles

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Joanne Smith, M.D. – Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago: Taking Patient Care to the C Suite

Smith, as President and CEO of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, combines a physician’s skill and caring with the strategic sense needed to run an organization.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Lisa M. Weber – MetLife: Stand for Something

Other people simply have gut feelings. MetLife executive Lisa M. Weber has the guts to do something about them.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Joyce Mullen – Dell: Every Person You Meet Teaches You Something

Dig deep to find out what is important to you.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Jennifer Scully – Goldman Sachs: The Best Advice I Ever Received

by Jennifer Scully

With a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Vanderbilt and experience in Democratic politics, Jennifer Scully seems an unlikely vice president of private wealth management for Goldman Sachs.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Cathy L. Williams: Find the Right Partners for Success

Finding balance in your life and a good fit in your workplace are greater attributors to success than anything else, believes Cathy L. Williams, former CFO of Shell Canada and MBA ’77 Queen’s University.

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