
Category Archives: Women in Leadership Profiles

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Tara L. Whitehead – EDS: Open Doors for Yourself

Texas-born Tara Whitehead was a college student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas when she heard advertising guru Steve Cosmopulos speak at an awards reception.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Cathy Ward, Claudia Huntington and Darcy Kopcho – The Capital Group Companies: Building a Life Portfolio

Once upon a time, three young women graduated from California colleges ready to conquer the world.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Kristen Smith Wenker – General Mills: Message Wizard

Sometimes fate, topped with a sprinkle of naive bravado, is the best recipe for landing the job of your dreams.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Brenda Ross-Dulan – Wells Fargo: Drawing on Her Success

Brenda Ross-Dulan oversees 150 banking stores and $12 billion in deposits, and yet she never thought she’d end up in banking.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Michaela Ludbrook – Deutsche Bank: Creating an Open Culture for Everyone

It’s not always essential to have a degree in finance to have a successful career in banking.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Sharon L. Allen – Deloitte Consulting: First Woman Chairman of a Big Four Accounting Firm

Part of Allen’s appeal is that — in a world filled with lingo-laden, business motivational gurus — her messages are backed with statistical collateral.

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