
Category Archives: MBA – About the MBA

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Four “Must Ask” Questions Before Starting an Online MBA Program

by Tawnya Means, Chief Learning Officer at the University of Illinois’ Gies College of Business

New online MBA programs are popping up seemingly every day, thanks to technological advancements and the unprecedented flexibility they offer. But not all online programs are created equal. So, we asked Tawnya Means, Chief Learning Officer at the University of Illinois’…

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MBA - About the MBA

Why an MBA Right Now Is a Great Idea

by Ashley Lautzenheiser

You’ve decided to get an MBA. Great choice! The degree is a gateway to many professional opportunities. Spring deadlines are quickly approaching, so get ready to hit submit on your application. Six months from now you could be sitting in an MBA classroom rocketing your career to the next level.

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Personal Finance

How To Pay for Your MBA

by Chris Abkarians, Juno

Pursuing an MBA can be a highly rewarding decision professionally, socially, and financially. But it isn’t cheap! Luckily, there are many ways you can reduce the cost of getting your degree. We’ll break down those costs, share some tips to maximize your financial aid, and explore your student loan options (in case you need them).

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Forté Events

Five Ways to Advance Your Career With Forté’s Fall Programs and Events

It’s no secret the pandemic took a toll on women’s participation in the U.S. workforce. Increasingly demanding family and childcare obligations fueled by the pandemic forced many women to leave their jobs. The National Women’s Law Center reports 2.1 million women…

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MBA - About the MBA

Three Ways to Leverage the Power of Community to Find (and Thrive in) an MBA

by Randee Comstock and Courtney Crumby, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business MBA students

There are many factors that prospective MBA students consider when selecting their school. From location to career services, each prospective student has their unique list of priorities. For Randee Comstock and Courtney Crumby, two Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business MBA…

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MBA - About the MBA

Make the Most of Your Next MBA Fair

by Lisa Beebe

Exploring your MBA options? MBA fairs are a great way to get a feel for what different business schools have to offer. Here’s what to do before, during, and after the fair to get the most out of it.

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