
Category Archives: Marketing

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Forté Fellows

Forté Fellow of the Month: Catherine Wang

You will be presented a lot of opportunities during business school, be sure to stay true to yourself and what you want to accomplish so that you don’t become overwhelmed by the volume of things that you think you should get involved in. The MBA experience is one that is very transformative in many different levels.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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Career Switching

Marketing—For Both Fun and Profit

“Marketing is where the fun is,” says William Carner, who teaches marketing in the McCombs School of Business at UT Austin.

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College Student

Marketing Career Paths in the Luxury, Retail, Fashion and Beauty Industries

by Daria Burke

Over the past decade, the MBA has become a rapidly developing area for talent recruitment in the luxury/retail/fashion/beauty industries. Increasingly competitive landscapes and omni-channel consumer behavior has forced companies ranging from Tiffany to Target to increase investment in product marketing, e-commerce, digital marketing, social media and CRM. As such, the range of marketing opportunities in the luxury and retail space varies as greatly as each brand’s unique selling proposition.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Stacey Leaños – Bay City Capital: Leveraging Good Luck

Stacey is Senior Director of Marketing and Investor Relations at Bay City Capital.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Lorella Zanardo – Unilever: A Guiding Passion

Lorella Zanardo grew up in Italy and studied English and German literature abroad. She wanted to travel the world, and work as an actress. But circumstances suggested a different direction.

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