
Category Archives: Global Business

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College Student

The Women MBAs of the Fortune 100

by Julianne Perry

55% of female Fortune 100 CEOs earned their MBAs. Find out the background behind each of these successful women and how their MBA influenced their career path.

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Early Career

Expanding Economic Opportunities for Women: What Works?

by Suzanne McCarron

One thing we have learned from working with developing nations over many years is that efforts to increase the economic participation of women yield tremendous positive impacts in subsequent generations. The challenge, then, is figuring out how to go about expanding opportunities for women. What are the most effective avenues to pursue?

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Focus On Who You Are, And Do It Well

Debra Coleman briefly tried working in a school… and in a corporate law office… and in a law firm that collected delinquent taxes. “I had no idea what I wanted to do!” she recalls. Graduating from Williams College with a liberal…

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Job Search

The Top Five Qualities I’m Looking for in a Future Career

by Caroline Herrmann

Caroline is beginning to plan for the transition from college to career and targets the top qualities she wants in her first job out of school.

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Women on Boards

Women on Corporate Boards: Confronting Reality Webinar

by Beth Michaels

Beth Michaels Primer, president of Primer, Michaels, is co-author of the first leadership book for the investment industry and a leadership professor for Northwestern University graduate programs. Beth will host an exclusive webinar on November 21 titled Women on Corporate Boards: Confronting Reality. Beth previews a few key insights that she will share in her session.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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