
Category Archives: Seasoned/Executive

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Impact Stories

In MBALaunch, Dawn Kissi Found Her People

by Lisa Beebe

The MBA application process can be intimidating, but it helps to have a network of like-minded women sharing the journey. Dawn Kissi, an Executive MBA graduate of Columbia Business School, found that through Forté MBALaunch.

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Work/Life Effectiveness

How Can Individuals and Companies Better Support Working Mothers?

by Katie Stanfield

Flowers, spa days, and meals that we don’t have to prepare are all nice Mother’s Day gifts. But you know what’s even better? Support at work.

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Career Advancement

Help Your Allies Help You

by Lisa Beebe

On International Women’s Day 2023, Ericka Young, bestselling author, speaker, and coach, led a free Women Lead webinar on getting support from allies as you climb the corporate ladder. Here’s how to make the most of her advice.

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Align with Your Best Self to Maximize Your Potential

by Lisa Beebe

Dr. Laura Morgan Roberts, Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, led a Women Lead webinar on the value of alignment. Put her insights into action with these discussion questions.

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A Scientific Look at How to Speak with Power

by Lisa Beebe

In a recent Women Lead webinar, Katharine D´Amico, Ph.D., Professor at ESADE Business & Law School, discussed the science behind the different ways men and women communicate. Explore the topic further with these discussion questions.

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Job Search

Recovering from a Layoff? Follow This Expert Advice

by Lisa Beebe

A layoff is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in your professional career. Here’s how to process your feelings, find support, and move forward.

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