Early Career

The Art of Listening

May 21, 2013
12:00pm ET

Social media and technology may be everywhere, but most business still takes place through conversations. And while you might think the most important thing about those conversations is what’s said, research (and a little common sense) shows that listening rules the day — especially when you want to understand, build relationships, and maximize opportunities. That’s why learning the “art” of listening is so crucial for women in business.

This webinar is presented by:

Cathy Rose Salit
Performance of a Lifetime

As a coach, facilitator and consultant Cathy has been helping senior executives across the globe learn to listen and communicate for the past 15 years. Using a unique blend of theater and improvisation along with breakthroughs in the human development sciences, she teaches people how to perform as listeners — and leaders. Author Dan Pink calls Cathy a “master teacher” and a “sales whisperer,” and featured her work in his most recent book, To Sell is Human. Join our Art of Listening webinar and find out why Fortune 500 companies seek out Cathy and her team to help their executives get out of the box and ahead of the curve.

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