
Rising Up Through Imposter Syndrome

Working with Forté, I often meet professional women on their way up the corporate ladder. Over the years, I’ve talked with countless talented, hardworking women leaders — and I’m always surprised when they don’t realize how amazing they are. Imposter syndrome is real, even for women in leadership roles.

Recently, a close friend of mine was struggling with imposter syndrome. She is one of the most intelligent women I know, and yet, she couldn’t recognize her own strengths. Instead, she was focused on her colleagues and the skills they had that she didn’t possess.

To overcome imposter syndrome, it’s essential to focus on what you DO have and how it can work for you. Here’s what I told my friend: If you asked me to borrow lipstick right now, I might dig around in my purse and realize I don’t have any with me. What I do have is a great lip liner that would work in a pinch.

To be successful, you don’t have to have everything in your purse — or in your skillset. You just have to be able to find what’s useful to you in the moment and make the most of it. Everybody brings something to the table, and what you bring to the table is useful, because other people don’t have it.

Is imposter syndrome or self-doubt holding you back? Forté’s new Rise Leadership Program is designed to provide expertise, support, and community for mid-career women as they advance in their careers. This three-month program is an opportunity to work with executive coaches and connect with like-minded women as you navigate career challenges and become a more confident and effective leader.




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