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Arielle Brown

Q&A: Arielle Brown, College Recruiting Specialist at Under Armour

Arielle BrownHave you ever wondered what goes on in recruiters’ minds as they scatter through hundreds, if not thousands, of applications for a single position? Arielle Brown, College Recruiting Specialist at Under Armour (and former Under Armour corporate intern), provides her take on the typical recruitment processes for internships and full-time positions.

Forté: What do recruiters look for in an ideal resume?

AB: For college recruiting specifically, we look for 3 Gold Medal Traits in all of our applicants. The first is someone who is a team player and works well in a team setting. The second is someone who is hungry and has a passion for the brand and their role on the team. And the third trait is adaptability. Because we are a brand that is constantly evolving, we look for interns who can respond quickly and positively to change.

Forté: How much time do HR personnel spend looking at a single resume?

AB: We spend two to three minutes per resume.

Forté: Is there any specific pattern that HR staff follow?

AB: A resume is read from top to bottom. We look at the graduation date, GPA. Then, we move to specials skills and work experience.

Forté: What aspects hinder a resume’s overall quality or impact?

AB: If a resume is riddled with punctuation and grammar errors, it definitely impacts the overall impression of the candidate’s qualifications. In every role you want someone who is detail oriented, organized, and thorough. Your resume is the first piece of information we use to evaluate you as a candidate, and if it is full of mistakes, it doesn’t make a positive impression. Always check and re-check your resume before submitting it to make sure it is accurate, organized, and free of errors.

Forté: How does including a cover letter factor in evaluating an application?

AB: Providing a cover letter is always a great idea. This is an opportunity for you to further explain your qualifications for a specific position and elaborate on your contribution to a project. The purpose of a cover letter is to demonstrate your qualifications as a candidate.

Forté: How do college recruiters utilize social media in the recruiting process?

AB: This doesn’t apply to how we recruit for our internship positions. Our full-time recruiters utilize LinkedIn to build candidate pipelines and identify key talent.

Forté: What are some general tips for prospective internship candidates to ace their next phone or Skype interview?

AB: Remember to be relaxed, do your research, and take your time in answering each question thoughtfully.

Forté: Do recruiters really look at every resume that’s submitted for a job opening?

AB: I review each application that is submitted for each position.

Forté: Finally, what can you tell us about the Under Armour Summer League program?

AB: The Summer League program is Under Armour’s summer internship experience. This 11-week program begins in late May and ends in early August. There are 3 levels within the program: MBA, Rookie, and Recruit. All MBA candidates are first year students enrolled in a full-time MBA program. Rookie candidates are rising seniors enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program. Recruit candidates are rising sophomores and juniors enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program.

In past summers, we have had positions in all areas of the business. Applications for 2014 will be posted on January 1, 2014 and the deadline for submission is February 1, 2014.


Caroline HerrmannCaroline Herrmann is a junior at Duke University majoring in Cognitive Science and minoring in German Studies. She is working on a Markets & Management Studies certificate. Her goal is to attend business school and she would love to work in marketing or consulting in the United States or Europe. She was a part of the first Forté College Leadership Conference and can be found on Twitter at @caroooline717.

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