Impact Stories

How Forté’s Network Opened Doors for Fahria Omar

With a background that spans brain research and healthcare marketing, Fahria Omar leveraged Forté’s network and her MBA to transition into tech.

Now as a client success manager at Sisense, a business analytics software company, the woman who started a business from scratch uses data insights to grow other businesses.

“I’m still networking through Forté, even after graduating with my MBA,” said Fahria, who became a Forté member while at the University of Rochester Simon School of Business. “I didn’t actually think people stayed connected that way after grad school, but Forté has opened my eyes that I still have access to an entire network.”

Why an MBA?

Taking a rotational position at Johnson & Johnson exposed Fahria to finance, sales, branding, and public relations. It broadened her view of what she could bring to the business world.

“I was able to see many different roles that were available to me,” Fahria said. “To be in the roles that I wanted to be in, I definitely needed the skills that the MBA was going to offer me.”

In B-school, she nurtured her entrepreneurial talent and launched a business: a prepared food service to alleviate food deserts in urban communities. The company’s unorthodox approaches — distributing through vending machines and food trucks, and accepting payment with food stamps — got noticed and was soon acquired by a major company.

I didn’t actually think people stayed connected that way after grad school, but Forté has opened my eyes that I still have access to an entire network.

Her Forté connection

Following her entrepreneurial success, Fahria turned to Forté’s network to expand her business experience in new directions.

At Forté’s Virtual Career Fair — an online event exclusively geared for professional women and their busy lives — Fahria met recruiters, shared her resume through Forté’s database and explored a job lead with one of the featured companies.

“I was able to pinpoint exactly who I wanted to talk to and I could do that from the comfort of wherever I was,” Fahria said. “It helped me apply to different jobs and learn about which ones might be more appropriate for me.”

Women mentors matter

In her job now, she’s training for a management position and coaching her newest colleagues.

“I want women to have more power and leadership positions,” Fahria said. “This drives me because I feel I’m fully capable of being that person and being an example to other people.”

Becoming a team manager is one way Fahria wants to move the needle for women in business. She learned from Forté that mentorship gives women the confidence to take charge of their careers and move up.

“If you have the ability and you know what mentorship can do, you should share your story and offer up your time to help other women,” Fahria said.

“Forté includes women who have graduated and are done with their MBAs,” she continued. “It’s been so nice to have Forté emails come through my email box and see other women featured. It makes you feel like you’re not done and you’re part of this, and we’re all in this together.”

Want to support Fahria and other women like her? Make a gift to support More Women Leading.

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