
Category Archives: Work/Life Effectiveness

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College Student

Your Summer Reading List

by Bianca Bickford

From classics to non-fiction business, these are the best reads making their way around the Forté team for you to enjoy this summer.

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Early Career

Go Ahead, Get Angry At Work – It Can Actually Help You

by Meredith Hunt

Getting emotional at work, even angry, can transform self-confidence – if it’s done right.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Affable Mom To Three, This Investment Banker Defies Stereotypes

by Meredith Hunt

Jean Greene set her sights on becoming a doctor or an actress, but as an investment banker at Lazard, she has found satisfaction in a place where she is rewarded for being herself.

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Work/Life Effectiveness

How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome

by Kara Davidson

The fear of being found out as inadequate prevents us from trying, taking on new things, or speaking of ourselves in a way that conveys confidence and inspires opportunity.

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College Student

5 Ways to Get a Mid-Day Creativity Boost

by Jessica Thiefels

The afternoon slump struggle is real. We have five ways to help power through your creative afternoon with new ideas and a productive mindset.

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Early Career

Find Time for Fitness With a Non-Stop Work Life

by Jessica Thiefels

Life is busy, but staying healthy is a non-negotiable. Find more time for fitness in your crazy work life with these simple tips that anyone can use.

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