
Category Archives: Level Up Your Career

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Career Switching

So, You Want to Work at a Top Consulting Firm: Three Paths to Get You There

by Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Georgia Tech MBA students Paroma Chakravarty, Georgia Pearce, and Francesca Sally, all saw themselves at different places post-graduation. For one, there was hope for a supply chain placement. Another woman’s sights were set on consulting. And for another, something more people-facing…

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Level Up Your Career

Be Bold, Be Confident and Bravely Build Your Career

An interview with Kelly O’Brien, an executive coach on the Global Career and Leadership Development team at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Executive MBA Program.  She is certified through the International Coach Federation and has over 12 years…

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Level Up Your Career

How to Refocus, Shift Gears, and Grow, Nearly a Decade Into a Successful Finance Career

After two years as a financial analyst in New York, Tatiana de Dalmas fulfilled a lifelong ambition and moved to France. There, still in finance, she rose from Analyst to Senior Associate, settling down in Paris and starting a family of…

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Level Up Your Career

Feedback Gap Can Hold Women Back

by Leanne Meyer, Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper School of Business)

Early in their career, women can face a hidden stumbling block. Research shows women are not getting the same kind of feedback as their male colleagues. They aren’t hearing about what they need to do better, what they need to know…

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Level Up Your Career

How To Thrive at Your MBA Internship

by Dani Grodsky, Tepper School of Business MBA 2022

One of the most significant parts of your MBA is the internship. It’s where you hone new skills, perhaps branch out into a new industry or function, and make important connections. For many people, it’s where you’ll work after you finish…

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Level Up Your Career

Five Ways to Succeed at Your First Job

by Samantha Grant, GE Healthcare, Tepper School of Business MBA 2016

Your first position after college could be a major step on the career path you’ve envisioned for years or the first step on a journey yet to be determined. Learn from Samantha Grant, a Tepper School of Business graduate, about what advice she would give herself when she was a recent graduate.

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