
Category Archives: Forté News

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Forté News

Forté is 20: Celebrating Our Progress and Looking Ahead

by Meredith Hunt

Two decades ago, a woman MBA was in the minority. Since Forté was founded 20 years ago, gender parity on MBA campuses has come a long way — and in some cases, it’s already there.

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Forté News

On the Way to More Women Leading: Forte’s 2022 Year in Review

by Crystal Zuzek

As we reflect on the past year, we have much to be grateful for and much to celebrate. Thousands of powerful, promising women are one step closer to fulfilling their undergraduate, early career, and professional goals. Read on to learn more about the many ways Forté worked to get #MoreWomenLeading in 2022.

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Forté News

Gratitude & Growth: A Letter from Elissa Sangster, Forté CEO

by Elissa Sangster

As we head into the holiday season, I’m feeling grateful for everyone in the Forté community and everything we’ve accomplished this year.

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Forté News

The Path to Authenticity May Include Twists and Turns

by Meredith Hunt

During the Dialogue with Leadership session at the 2022 Forté MBA Women’s Leadership Conference, Dr. Jennifer Turner and Jenean Glover, entertainment industry veterans, shared the unpredictable journeys that have led them to authentic fulfillment.

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2022 Edie Hunt Award Winner Advocates for More Equitable World

by Meredith Hunt

Natalia Alvarez Diaz, selected as the 2022 Edie Hunt Inspiration Award winner, is the first to acknowledge the privileges of being the daughter of a Mexican diplomat. She does more than talk the talk though — she has worked tirelessly to open doors for women and other under-represented minorities and advocate for a more just and equitable world.

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Impact Stories

MBALaunch On Demand Gave Karen Rocha Verboski the “Biggest ROI” of Her Life

by Crystal Zuzek

When Karen Rocha Verboski moved from Brazil to the U.S. five years ago, she had no idea where her career journey would take her. A graduate of Universidade Federal do Estado do Piauí, Karen earned a master’s degree in public administration…

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