
Category Archives: Forté Fellows

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Early Career

Two Strategies to Jump-Start Your Essay Writing Process

Leverage interview logic and company research to write better admissions essays and prepare for your internship search at the same time.

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College Student

MBA Students Flock to Nontraditional Internships

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in non-profit management, check out this sample of intriguing internships available through Forté member schools’ career centers this semester.

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Forté Fellows

Branding Herself as a Leader: Katie Herrmann Helps Women MBA Students Welcome Feedback

by Amy Heibel

When Katie Herrmann (Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Class of 2011) entered her MBA program, her class was 34% women. The group that entered the following year was only 23% women. Unfortunately, women are still the minority in MBA programs across the country. But Katie knew what she wanted to do about it.

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Forté Fellows

Branding Herself as a Leader

When Katie Herrmann (Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Class of 2011) entered her MBA program, her class was 34% women.

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Forté Fellows

Transitioning from Military Service to the Private Sector

by by Amy Heibel

Kima McCoy (Samuel Curtis Johnson School of Management at Cornell, Class of 2011) served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

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Forté Fellows

Rebekah Ahn, Stern 2010 – Honored as Edie Hunt Inspiration Award Recipient

Rebekah Ahn, Stern School of Business MBA Class of 2010, was honored as the recipient of this year’s Edie Hunt Inspiration Award at our recent MBA Women’s Conference in Chicago.

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