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Women in Leadership Profiles

Bridget Blaise-Shamai: A High-Flying Career at American Airlines

by Meredith Hunt

Bridget Blaise-Shamai had an extraordinary rise at the world’s largest airline, now leading its customer loyalty and rewards programs.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Engaging Allies: Resources Focused on Workplace Equality

What advice and models worth emulating do top companies have to offer to broaden the conversation about workplace equality? We compiled this list of resources to capture some emerging thought leadership.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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Early Career

ExxonMobil Women Executives Participate in PBS Initiative – “Breakthrough Women”

At the 2013 Greater Houston Conference for Women, the Greater Houston Women Chamber of Commerce recognized seven women leaders from various industries – Healthcare, Education, Construction, Professional Services, Finance, Banking and Energy.

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