
Category Archives: Education

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Early Career

Is Sheryl Sandberg Correct That Women Just Aren’t Trying Hard Enough?

It’s not your imagination. Cracks in the glass ceiling are slow to spread.

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Why Earn An MBA?

Still sitting on the fence about whether you want to pursue that MBA degree? Not sure you want to spend the money, miss out on two years’ salary, or, more importantly, if a career in business meshes with your life plan?…

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Women on Boards

Building a Better Boardroom: The 20/20 Initiative

This year, Forté collaborated with its business school and corporate partners to advance a growing movement focused on women reaching at least 20% representation on corporate boards by the year 2020.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Jenny Davis-Peccoud – Bain & Company: Blazing a Trail That Fulfills Her Lifelong Charitable Commitment

Jenny has a unique role at Bain, one she designed herself.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Tara L. Whitehead – EDS: Open Doors for Yourself

Texas-born Tara Whitehead was a college student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas when she heard advertising guru Steve Cosmopulos speak at an awards reception.

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