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Early Career

At a Crossroads: Staying in the Workforce or Stepping Out

When situations come up in a career woman’s life—pregnancy, adoption, illness, illness of a loved one —it represents a crossroads. Should she stay in the workforce or should she step out for a time?

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You’re Never Too Young to Network

Whether she knows it or not, Patricia Schwarz—a senior in high school—is an expert networker.

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Chantelle Ludski: Founder & CEO, Fresh! Gourmet Organics

For many entrepreneurs, starting a business is the culmination of a lifelong dream. But for Chantelle Ludski, it turned out to be “completely opportunistic.”

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College Student

Looking for a Few Good Women: Business/Tech Combo Degrees

Want to exercise that technical degree while advancing your career and moving into management?

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College Student

MBA Programs Strive For Better Fit with Female Candidates

When the traditional two-year, full-time MBA program just isn’t in the cards, take heart. There’s a growing contingent of alternatives for the career-minded woman.

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A Good Woman is Hard to Find: Women and Networking

For business professionals the ability to network effectively is not just a nice thing to be able to do—it’s a crucial skill on which their careers depend.

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