
Category Archives: Articles

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Early Career

Finding a Dream Business School

It’s that time of the year when you start researching and selecting schools.

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Early Career

To BIG or Not Too BIG?

Last spring I was faced to choose between a 700-student program and a 240-student program.

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Early Career

Getting Started on Those MBA Application Essays

After the GMAT, writing the admissions essays is one of the most daunting tasks.

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Early Career

MBA Life in High Gear

Applications (and, later, interviews and admit weekends) on top of work make it feel like you’ve kicked your life into high gear. Get used to that feeling — it won’t go away any time soon.

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College Student

Campus Visits From Across the Globe

Campus visits are a great way to connect with current students and to establish your ‘fit’.

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Early Career

To Move or Not to Move for Love: Consider Your Partner a Priority in Your B-School Research

Start having the difficult conversations with your partner regarding your b-school journey and how your partner can be a part of it.

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