
Category Archives: Career Stage

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Forté Fellows

Branding Herself as a Leader: Katie Herrmann Helps Women MBA Students Welcome Feedback

by Amy Heibel

When Katie Herrmann (Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Class of 2011) entered her MBA program, her class was 34% women. The group that entered the following year was only 23% women. Unfortunately, women are still the minority in MBA programs across the country. But Katie knew what she wanted to do about it.

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Career Switching

Rethinking the Business School Audience

Elliott, and other women like her who have entered MBA programs 10 or 15 years later than the typical student, may well be a harbinger of things to come.

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College Student

Forté Forum Reveals the MBA Value Proposition

The economic value of business school doesn’t begin to capture the value of the degree in terms of quality of life and career.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Advancing Change: Men and Women Working Together to Break Barriers

| MBA, business, leadership

Engaging men in order to transform the culture of work impacts not only how we live our professional lives, but the choices we make at home as well.

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Top Places for Women to Network

Some of the best places for women to network.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Genevieve Bell – Intel: Globetrotting Anthropologist Tells Stories That Matter

A peek inside Genevieve Bell’s handbag tells a story.

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