
Category Archives: Mid-Level

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Lisa M. Weber – MetLife: Stand for Something

Other people simply have gut feelings. MetLife executive Lisa M. Weber has the guts to do something about them.

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Women in Leadership Profiles

Joyce Mullen – Dell: Every Person You Meet Teaches You Something

Dig deep to find out what is important to you.

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College Student

Rebecca Libby Cheers Loudly For Women Students

Meet the 2009 Edie Hunt Inspiration Award Winner.

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Early Career

The New Face of Flexibility

The new face of flexibility is gender-neutral, as employers recognize the many dynamics that affect the 21st century workplace. For women who are looking for companies at the leading edge of workplace flexibility, we share some advice.

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Early Career

At a Crossroads: Staying in the Workforce or Stepping Out

When situations come up in a career woman’s life—pregnancy, adoption, illness, illness of a loved one —it represents a crossroads. Should she stay in the workforce or should she step out for a time?

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A Good Woman is Hard to Find: Women and Networking

For business professionals the ability to network effectively is not just a nice thing to be able to do—it’s a crucial skill on which their careers depend.

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