Early Career

Bridging the Transition to Business School

Felisha-ManglaAfter being immersed in my professional and creative life for several years, I felt that it was time for the next chapter in my story. I was a singer/songwriter and recording artist for over 10 years, half of which was also spent developing my professional career in a start-up Clean Technology company and then in Data Analytics.

Over the past decade, I have learned a great deal about who I am and what ignites my soul. Additionally, I have been quite accustomed to keeping my passions separate. I worked on my professional career during most of my day, and spent my nights and weekends working on music.

However, it came to me one unassuming afternoon – what if I could combine my passions to create the ideal career for myself?

After all, the reason I was drawn to music and start-ups in the first place was because I wanted to inspire people. Working in a technology space that still pertained to entertainment/media would allow me to continue to do just that: spur innovation and inspire others. I was confident an MBA would help me in my pursuit.

I always knew I wanted to go to business school, but the Forté MBALaunch program gave me the momentum and confidence I needed to march full force into the preparations for applying to school. The program helped me bridge my transition from nights in a recording studio to nights in my neighborhood café with a GMAT quantitative book in hand.

It is indeed and all-encompassing process, and having a network of other strong, supportive women is both comforting and encouraging.

Furthermore, the key individuals who lead Forté MBALaunch, along with the number of Admissions Officers and current students to whom I have had unequivocal access, have been integral in my business school process.

Finally, I have developed strong friendships with several MBALaunchers. These women have been there for me every step of the way, from pep talks to resume edits, I have been able to count on them when I need them most.

I am thankful to be surrounded by ambitious, supportive women in the Forté MBALaunch program, and recommend the program so highly that I would wonder why one wouldn’t join and take advantage of its many wonderful benefits.

Felisha Mangla is an Indian-American who grew up in Cleveland, and currently resides in Los Angeles. She is mid-western in character with a global mindset. Aside from working, Felisha is a travel-enthusiast, concert-goer, and avid dancer.

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