Forté Events

MBA Admissions Insider: MBA in Europe Webinar

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

Are you interested in broadening and expanding your MBA opportunities to include European business schools? How is the process different from applying to an MBA program in the United States? With the help of MBA Admission professionals from top European business schools, we’ll help you better understand and prepare for the journey ahead. From selecting an MBA program, preparing your essays, to the personal interview, we’ll provide tips and guidance for each step along your path.

As a webinar participant you will:

  • Learn how to jump start your European business school research and application process to meet your own set of personal goals.
  • Hear how European schools approach the evaluation of the GMAT and undergraduate coursework.
  • Learn how to better highlight your work experience (or lack of) and leadership experiences through your resume, essays, and recommendations.
  • Ask questions you have about the European MBA programs.

Panelists to be announced.

View the webinar »

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