College Student

The Forté Foundation’s Elissa Ellis Sangster: Q&A –

Last year, with new records set by Harvard Business School and Wharton for female MBA enrollment, and with HBS dean Nitin Nohria vowing to double the number of case studies featuring female protagonists in five years, forward momentum on b-school gender equity seemed to be very much in evidence. But with the entering class of 2014 that momentum, with few exceptions, appears to have stalled.

To get her take on this, editor-in-chief Louis Lavelle recently sat down for a conversation with Elissa Ellis Sangster, executive director of the Forté Foundation. The nonprofit consortium of companies and business schools works to educate women on the value of the MBA and increase their access to graduate business education in the hope of closing the gender pay gap and getting more women into c-suite positions. One way it does that is through the Forté Fellows Program, which through partner schools awards US$20,000 fellowships to qualified MBA applicants.

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