MBA Student

Navigating Challenging Situations and Working with Challenging Personalities Webinar

Thursday, February 13, 2014
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

Women Lead Webinar Series

Everyone is challenged at times by coping with conflicting demands and challenging personalities. In last month’s webinar, we focused on strategies and tactics for managing conflict. However, often it’s not so much the content of the conflict that is a challenge as the personality of the other party and how you feel. For example, you know that sinking feeling you get when you realize that you are going to have to negotiate with Person X again and you resolve that this time you will not lose – no matter what.

In this webinar we will delve deeper on understanding your emotions in the midst of conflict along with what it takes to be less “hooked” by those emotions. In effect, this is how not to take it so personally. Granted mastering this may take a long time, however this webinar will help you get started.

As a participant, you will have the opportunity to get immediate feedback on a challenging situation or personality. After you register for this session you will receive an invitation to submit an annonymous case or issue to be discussed by Dr. Wallace during the webinar.

Leadership Expert and Executive Coach, Wanda Wallace, PhD., CEO and President of the Leadership Forum Inc. will facilitate this second session on conflict and handling difficult personalities. Each of these sessions can stand alone but participating in both will allow a deeper understanding and some practice in dealing with this challenging topic.

Be sure to register for part one of this series, Navigating Conflict, Contention and Competing Perspectives.

This webinar is presented by:

Wanda WallaceWanda Wallace, Ph.D.
President and CEO
The Leadership Forum

Dr. Wanda Wallace is President and CEO of Leadership Forum, Inc. LFI designs and delivers innovative programs that enable leaders to deliver better results. LFI focuses on the leader’s role in pushing strategic thinking and execution, driving change, developing leadership capability and managing diversity.

In addition, Dr. Wallace coaches leaders, works with teams and consults with organizations on improving gender diversity. In all of her work, she emphasizes the challenges of both building and sustaining productive relationships at all levels in the global corporate context. Most recently, Dr. Wallace has focused on helping women advance their careers as well as assisting corporations in engaging managers. She speaks at large scale events (e.g., “Women on Wall Street” in New York and “Women in European Business” in London) as well as smaller company-specific functions.

Dr. Wallace received her Ph.D. in Psychology at Duke University in 1985 with special emphasis on cognitive and thought processes.

Learn more and register »

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